Firmémosla, la mía también!
-- Maribel Hernández Coordinadora maribel@desarmenuclear.org Tel. +34 686160028
https://desarmenuclear.org/ https://desarmenuclear.org/
El 10 oct 2024, a las 14:09, carme suñé carmesm2013@gmail.com escribió:
Buenas tardes, Des de Humanitarian Disarmament, piden a la entidades que trabajamos precisamente en pro del desarme, que firmemos la declaración que presentarán en el marco del comité de desarme de las Naciones Unidas. Mi opinión és que firmemos. ,Qué os parece? Carme
---------- Forwarded message --------- From: 'Ove Helfredsen Sparre-Enger' via ICAN Campaigners <ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com mailto:ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com> Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024, 14:01 Subject: [ICAN] For sign on: Joint civil society statement on humanitarian disarmament To: ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com mailto:ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com <ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com mailto:ican-campaigners@googlegroups.com> Cc: Roos Boer <Boer@paxforpeace.nl mailto:Boer@paxforpeace.nl>
-Apologies for duplicate postings-
Dear all,
It’s time for the UNGA First Committee statements, and I have attached a joint civil society statement on humanitarian disarmament, which I encourage you to sign on. Last year we had around a 100 NGOs and coalitions join, and I am hoping we can get an equally strong showing this year, or even more?
Please let Roos Boer from PAX know if your organization or coalition can sign no later than Monday 14 October—sooner is better. Please email her atboer@paxforpeace.nl mailto:boer@paxforpeace.nl directly, see cc. Do NOT reply all!
The statement, which seeks to bring together humanitarian disarmament campaigns, highlights our community’s achievements over the past year, but also is a reminder of the challenges we face in the current landscape. It urges states to put people at the centre of the work and stay committed to our joint goals to prevent and remediate human suffering from arms.
We have found Erin Hunt From Mines Action Canada available and willing to read out the statement.
All best,
On behalf of this year's draft/edit team,
Erin (MAC), Bonnie (Harvard Law School's International Human Rights Clinic), Rasmus & Ove (NPA) & Roos (PAX)
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