Oportunitat de subgrants en el marc del projecte EU DEAR 'Connecting the dots'

Bon dia,
Us informoo que esta ober el process de presentació de projectes per ser financats amb la modalitat de sub-granting al nostre projecte 'Connecting the dots' (EU DEAR). Data limit es el 10 de desembre 2024.
Enel període previ a la Quarta Conferència de les Nacions Unides sobre Finançament per al Desenvolupament (FfD4) el 28/06 – 2/07/2025 a Sevilla,la primera ronda de convocatòries per a subconvocats s'adreça específicament als grups que participen en activitats relacionades amb el procés FfD4 i aquells que estiguin interessats i equipats per participar activament.
Trobeu tota la informació aqui https://www.eurodad.org/call_for_sub_grant_proposals_dear_november_2024.
-------- Mensaje reenviado -------- Asunto: Subgrant opportunity Fecha: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 10:05:11 +0100 De: Jean Saldanha jsaldanha@eurodad.org Para: eurodad-members@googlegroups.com
Dear Friends, I am delighted to announce a new sub-granting opportunity under EU DEAR project 'Connecting the dots.' Eurodad together with a consortium of 8 members started implementing the project this summer. It focuses on economic, gender and climate justice as interconnected solutions that contribute to sustainable development and tackle global challenges – global, social, economic and gender inequalities, climate change and environmental destruction.
In the lead-up to the Fourth UN Financing for Development Conference (FfD4), the first round of call for sub-grantees specifically is aimed at groups engaged in activities related to the FfD4 process and those that are interested and equipped to become actively engaged for the first time. This includes organising awareness-raising campaigns, building coalitions with other stakeholders, advocacy to influence decision-makers, participating in consultative processes, and monitoring the implementation of government commitments. By working with CSOs and groups engaged in these activities, we aim to amplify diverse perspectives and ensure meaningful contributions to the development of equitable financing policies.
Types of Activities Eligible for Support:
* Production and dissemination of knowledge sharing and education materials, including toolkits, briefings, factsheets, articles, podcasts, infographics, audiovisual and other campaign materials. * Capacity building activities, including webinars, seminars and workshops to disseminate knowledge, exchange best practices and improve campaigning and advocacy strategies and skills. * Networking and coalition building with other European and global south civil society organisations, particularly youth groups and grassroots movements, prioritising those networks that break the silos between economic justice, climate justice and gender justice movements. * Public awareness raising activities, including local campaigns and mobilisation. * Partnerships with media agents (incl. journalists, journalism students and social media influencers). * Facilitating EU young and adult citizens’ engagement in the broader project’s joint pan-European campaigns. * Organising local advocacy actions and participating in joint European and international advocacy.
Details on the application may be found here https://www.eurodad.org/call_for_sub_grant_proposals_dear_november_2024. Deadline is 10 December.
Looking forward to seeing many of you applying!
All the best, Jean
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Jean Letitia Saldanha
+32 (2) 89 44 642 tel:+32+(2)+89+44+642 | +32 (0) 495 22 75 79 tel:+32+(0)+495+22+75+79
eurodad.org https://eurodad.org/
Rue d'Edimbourg 18-26, 1050 Brussels
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Nicola Scherer